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Triathlon News

Du Cross Series 2015: returns the best duathlon

Du Cross Series returns this February and does so to consolidate what is considered the best and largest duathlon circuit in Spain.



The competition will start on the next 22 day with the Valdemorillo test and will end in November with the novelty of Los Santos de la Humosa, the only debuting venue in this 2015. Registrations for any of your ten appointments are now open.

La sixth season of Du Cross Series you have closed your 2015 test calendar. A year full of dates with the best cross duathlon that will start the next 22 in February in the town of Valdemorillo and will continue in Morata de Tajuña (8 in March), San Sebastian de los Reyes (22 in March), Villaviciosa de Odón (12 April), Villanueva de la Cañada (17 in May), Alcorcón (12 in September), Brunete (27 in September), Aranjuez (4 in October), Boadilla del Monte (18 in October) and Los Santos de la Humosa ( November 14).

Registrations are now open and can be done through the web www.ducrosseries.es, with special discounts for the unemployed, Basic-Fit, Sanferbike and Corricolari members. They can also be processed in person through the Sanferbike, Ciclos Otero, Marathinez, Evolution, Fusión Bike, Bike & roll, Zamorano Triathlon Center and Soloride stores, as well as at the Corricolari registration center. In addition, the brave who dare with the challenge of the ten tests will have a special price and an exclusive jersey personalized with their name.


The main novelty of this new season of the circuit will be the "DU x couples", A new modality of inscription in which each member can choose to participate in the career phase or in mountain biking, according to the discipline that performs best.

On the other hand and with the aim of improving the experience of duathletes to the maximum, the hop.bike company, specialized in services related to the bicycle sector, will organize free guided tours, which will take place the weekend before each test. and in which the registered duathletes can recognize and review the routes, always accompanied by their qualified guides. In addition, the youngest can begin to emulate their parents, thanks to the management and technical courses of the bicycle that will be carried out by the hop.bike monitors on the same day of each test.

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