Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Perfect Campus with MARCEL ZAMORA

The bridge of the Constitution, we wait for you in The Perfect Campus!

If you are looking for a perfect plan to finish with a good foot this 2013 triathlete Come to Cambrils!

Next December 6,7, 8 and XNUMX (Puente de la Constitución) the Campus will take place in this town on the coast of Tarragona where each of the triathlon disciplines will be trained, there will be talks to improve performance and you can also live with the professional triathlete Marcel Zamora.



With two regimes, external or internal, you can choose the best option that suits you.

If you want to know all the scheduled activities visit: http://www.dreambikeexperience.com/ciclosemana/convive-y-entrena-con-el-triatleta-marcel-zamora-durante-el-puente-de-la-constitucion/

Make your campus perfect !!! Information and registration:  [email protected]


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