Volcano Triathlon

The White Triathlon, in the air

The Cantabrian Triathlon Federation will wait until Thursday, the day for which new precipitation in the form of snow is expected, to decide whether to continue or suspend the test.

The snow this year is reluctant to stay in Alto Campoo and the thicknesses that accumulated last week have evaporated, once again preventing the opening of the winter center and leaving the call for the White Triathlon, whose celebration is scheduled for this year, up in the air. next Saturday.

The Cantabrian Triathlon Federation has set a deadline of next Thursday to confirm whether it maintains the call or suspends it. The forecasts with which Cantur and the Federation are working indicate that between 10 and 20 centimeters could fall on the night of Thursday to Friday, thicknesses that the organization trusts will be sufficient to be able to hold the test.

It is important to remember that the test consists of an initial segment of around 10 kilometers of running. Participants will then travel in bike the distance between Reinosa and Alto Campoo, with 24 kilometres of ascent. Finally, with the third and last of the sectors, the participants will face cross-country skiing. The intention is to cover 8 kilometres, but this will depend on the rainfall and the state of the slopes.

If the long-awaited snow does not arrive by Thursday, the organization, in agreement with the Federation, plans to permanently suspend the triathlon in this year's edition, with no possibility of postponements. Nor would it be held in the duathlon modality (running and cycling)

Source: eldiariomontanes.es

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