Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Seville Triathlon, much more than sport

The triathlete fair, musical entertainment and a photography contest will make everyone enjoy the event.



The XVIII Sato Sport Club - Seville Triathlon, second test of Europa FM Circuit, which is celebrated this Sunday will be much more than a sporting event. Around the event a multitude of parallel activities have been programmed so that everyone can enjoy this great party throughout the weekend. In this way, while the triathletes participate in the test, their family and friends can participate in various contests, dances, exhibitions ...


The epicenter of all activities will be in the Gym Sato Sport Santa Justa. All triathletes will pick up their bibs there during the weekend and it is the place chosen this year to hold the Runner's Fair. A space where brands, exhibitors, clothing stores meet... Anyone who visits it will be able to see first-hand the latest developments in the sector: trisuits, wetsuits, spare parts, hydration, Bike aerodynamics…


El Seville Triathlon It is not just a sporting event, it is a great party, in which there will be parallel activities aimed at the public. Musical entertainment by Europa FM and a limited area on the finish line where you can practice step and body tonic with a specialized instructor. In addition, there will be a new edition of the traditional photography contest. In this way, while the public waits for their families to cross the finish line, they will be entertained doing these activities.


All this will accompany the weather forecast. The weather report indicates that Seville will live a sunny Sunday, with temperatures around the 25 degrees at the time of the test. On the other hand, the probability of rain is absolutely zero.


This new edition of the classic Seville test will be played over three different distances with exits in waves: Olympic (1.500 meters of swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km of running), Sprint (750 m, 20 km and 5 km ), and Super Sprint (350 m, 10 km and 2,5 km).


The Seville Triathlon is organized by the Municipal Sports Institute of the Seville City Council and the Andalusian Triathlon Federation, in collaboration with OF SPORT. Sponsor Sato Sport Club.

With the collaboration of Europa FM, Nutrisport, Coca Cola, Cruzcampo, Doña Rosa, Supermercados Más, CCilu, Andalucía is Sport, Beiman Clinical Hair Cycles and Pajares Ambulances.

More information in www.triatlondesevilla.com

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