Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Sierra Nevada Triathlon and the Bola del Mundo open registrations on November 11 with reduced price

On November 11, registrations will open at a reduced price for the II edition of the Bola del Mundo Triathlon and the IV edition of its older brother the Sierra Nevada triathlon.


The one that is already establishing itself as one of the toughest triathlons on the national scene, Sierra Nevada Triathlon, will open registration on November 11 together with his little brother on Triathlon Ball of the World (Madrid)



For the 2014 edition, these two triathlons will have two different tests, the Tri Largo and the Tri Corto.


In the triathlon World Ball The long Triathlon that will be held on Saturday, July 5, will be of a distance similar to the "half" ironman" 1.900m 90km 20km, while the Tri Corto this time will be 1.500m 27km 10km on Sunday, July 6.

In the Triathlon Sierra Nevada will take place on Saturday July 19 with Tri Largo, over a distance of 2.000-82-20. Sunday July 20 will be the appointment for the Tri Corto where the triathletes will have to travel 1.500-38-10

Ivan escassi The organizer of these races gives us his assessment of the 2013 editions. "I think we have taken a big step, establishing the Tri de Sierra Nevada as one of the benchmark tests at the national level. At only 3 years old, it is a test that everyone already knows, which has been given a different personality.


The Sierra Nevada Triathlon covers an immense route entering the beautiful Natural Park where the highest peaks of the peninsula are located. It is a spectacular Tri in all its senses. 


This year, with the same philosophy we launched ourselves with the madness of the Tri de la Bola and as you already published in TN, it was a success that raised passions in its first edition. 


I want to highlight the popular and good vibes atmosphere that is lived in them, more of an adventure than a competition. The companionship is above all and is palpable in the environment.


For 2014 we trust in maintaining this line and philosophy and of course we will continue improving our treatment and service. Yes, please come back with that "good vibes" that you brought in 2013".


The starting price of these tests are the following:


Offer inscriptions on November 11,12, 13, and XNUMX.

  • Tri long 100 euros
  • Tri Short 55 euros.
  • Toro Loco Challenge 145 euros


Sierra Nevada Triathlon

Triathlon Ball of the World

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