Emilio Aguayo and Anna Noguera win the Valencia 113 No Drafting Series
A total of 800 triathletes made an appointment in a test that had as a great "enemy" of the triathletes the strong heat that accompanied the participants since early morning.
Today, the Valencia 113 Triathlon, fifth test of the No Drafting Series circuit, with the same route of the previous years, with the three segments one lap away. The 1.900m swim in the Beach of the Malvarrosa, 82km of cycling entering the Sierra Calderona, with several short steep slopes to end with a favorable return of false plains in descent. Finally the race on foot to a round, with 21km for the old oneor channel of the Turia river.
The CDM triathlete Avant Moncada, Emilio Aguayo has been the winner of the current edition of the Valencia113; scoring test for the Spanish Cup of Half Distance and for the Circuit No Drafting Series.
Aguayo, who already in the swimming segment of showed very strong with his initial struggle with Fco. Fernández-Cortes (eventually second place) would be in the segment of the bike where he would continue to impose himself to achieve up to 7 minutes of advantage at the finish line in the last segment.
For its part, the women's event had as its new champion Ana Noguera (CA Igualada), with a comfortable advantage over their pursuers Cristina Roselló (SyS Laboratory) and Elise Maury (Fast Triathlon CN Montjuic)
Francisco Aleixandre and María López were the winners of the new Olympic distance from the Valencia113.
As for the Olympic distance test, in the female category they accompanied the triathlete of the UPV Triatló Cristina Gallach (Tutriatlon.com) and Yolanda Mir (Correcaminos); being the laureates in men, in addition to the mentioned Aleixandre, Miguel Fernández (Tutriatlón.com) and Enrique Martínez (Sporphysiology).