Eneko Llanos makes his preseason in Lanzarote
Eneko Llanos, who was the winner of the Ironman from Lanzarote in 2010, is now on the island. The Vitorian arrived on December 27 and as soon as he set foot on land from the Basque Country he began training, with a one-hour run along Avenida de Puerto del Carmen.
Ya alojado en el Hotel Las Costas, el triatleta español ha realizado entrenamientos duros, tales como 2 horas y media en bike, 4 kilómetros de natación y 40 minutos de carrera a pie, unos números muy positivos teniendo en cuenta que fue en el segundo día de entreno.
Eneko Llanos estará en Lanzarote durante dos meses, haciendo una dura pretemporada para la campaña 2012 en donde el Mundial de Larga Distancia que se disputará en Vitoria y el Ironman de Hawaii están marcados con color intenso en su calendar.
In this 2011 campaign, Eneko once again became the Spanish reference in the long distance. He failed in Hawaii due to stomach problems when he arrived very well prepared but his season has been impeccable. He achieved a level victory such as the Arizona Ironman and the Texas Ironman and the bronze medal at the Xterra World Championship that helped him forget the bad moment in Hawaii.