Diego Velázquez: "The mind is not controlled, the mind is"
We interviewed Diego Velázquez, paratriathlete known as "Jabali Man"
Against all odds Diego Velazquez he has become a champion of life breaking the medical schemes and overcoming the barriers that by diagnosis, they were going to prevent him from becoming a category triathlete and continue enjoying his day to day.
After 18 years fighting against the multiple sclerosis, this arandino in which the saying 'to want is power' materializes, it has a sports palmares of great achievements.
All a reference not only at the medical and sports level, usually participate in various talks about the disease to convey to all those who suffer that the Effort, determination and ability to overcome They are the basic tools to face it and get a full life.
You say on your website, that "the mind is the motor of the body, if you fall, you get up" but, how is the mind dominated?
The mind is not mastered, the mind is FOR me. People are brain with casing (the body). The brain is the most perfect and amazing machine that exists, to such an extent that it tries to understand itself. The body is the means to unwind. The body regulates the mind, the mind, houses the soul. And our thinking model defines us.
Where does your instinct to overcome come from?
The instinct to overcome is part of the thought model and is the next step to survival instinct, an instinct that most remain stagnant for the rest of their lives.
When you were little, what did you think you would do? Have you ever thought about becoming a triathlete and national champion of several competitions?
Since I was little I wanted to enjoy everything I've done. I have never wanted to be "a star" but to do things as well as possible and enjoy them.
How did you get into the world of Triathlon and why is it discipline?
Since I discovered triathlon back in 1986, I wanted to practice it. I have done and competed in many disciplines, but triathlon came with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis where they told me that I would not be able to do sports or work again because of the disease. That day I said that one day, I would do the Ironman Lanzarote, the most demanding test I had ever seen (1998). It took me 7 more years to start as a triathlete, my first triathlon, Ironman LANZAROTE 2004.
What would you highlight about your sporting career?
Back to what I like, when nobody saw it possible
Tell us what a training day is like with "Jabaliman" (as everyone who knows him calls him).
He combined the sport with my work and my work as a father. Also, keeping in touch with my friends and people I love. I go to the 22, I listen to a couple of scientific podcasts, I get up at the 6: 30 trained 30 ', shower, breakfast, kids, work; At noon, he trained second food then, I continue with work, children, snacks, homework, physical activity with my children, daily chores, trained, dinners and bed.
Why are they calling you JabaliMan?
It's a very long story but ... it goes with the character and in that I always shoot to the right, whatever is put in front, it's my nature.
They say that sport is health, what do you think?
We are hunter-gatherers, sport is the vestiges of hunting and war, deeply steeped in our genes. Getting food, defending ourselves, solving enigmas and evolving, socializing, making a clan, establishing values ... is part of our identity, therefore, it is part of ourselves, who we are and being who we are, makes our health stronger.
Undoubtedly, for you life is a challenge without brakes where there are no walls or borders that prevent you from building your dreams. Now you launch yourself into the business world with Desafío XTM and we want to know everything, what is it, how does the idea arise and what are your objectives with this new project?
If you read the slogan, you will understand. It is based mainly on developing our own abilities based on true human values, work and achievement of objectives, in a coherent and responsible way, using sport, physical activity and values as a vehicle to be stronger and better people.
Next March 21 we have an appointment in the first edition of the Torreón de los Guzmanes Long Distance Duathlon, in Caleruega (Burgos). How has it been to organize and design the circuit? What are your expectations for the future with this new duathlon?
Return to the true spirit of long distance, accessible to all, but, posing real challenges, "without turning cones" with the essence of adventure, of companionship and making the environment the result of getting the best out of each one of the participants, where the success of the test really lies.
It is true that it does not seem like a test for beginners, but the world is full of this type of tests. calendar.
Learn more
Website: http://www.diegovelazquez.eu/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/diego.velazquezrodriguez
TW: https://twitter.com/Diego_Jabaliman
Author: Veronica Del Valle
Photo: Diego Santamaria