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Triathlon NewsTriathlon World Series

United States takes the Triathlon by Mixed Relay in Nottingham

Yesterday we played one of the most spectacular events that can be seen in triathlon, the Mixed Relay Triathlon, where it will debut as an Olympic sport in Tokyo 2020.

18 teams of four participants (2 women and 2 men) participated in the 300 meters swim test, 7 km of cycling and 1,5 km of running on foot where United States got the victory followed by Britain and by French occupying the third place. Spain He finished in thirteenth position.

The first World Series of Mixed Triathlon Relays has been launched in style and with appointments from Hamburg and Edmonton to come, the show is guaranteed in the fight for the Olympic qualification

Results: Mixed Relay
1. Team I United States USAUSA flag 01:21:16
2. Team I Great Britain GBRGBR Flag 01:21:45
3. Team I France FRAFRA Flag 01:21:57
4. Team I Australia AUSAU Flag 01:21:58
5. Team I Netherlands NEDNED Flag 01:22:02


Photo: ITU Media / Janos Schmidt

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