Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Getxo opens as the headquarters of the Škoda Triathlon Series with the victory of Fernando Barroso

After the Triathlon of Getxo, the Skoda Triathlon Series is already on its way to the last two events of the season. It will be in Gavà, 28 in September, and in Malaga, 4 in October, the city where the 2014 campaign will end.


This Sunday, 21 of September, the Bizkaian town of Getxo has hosted the first edition of the Skoda Triathlon Series Getxo A popular test, intended for a wide range of athletes, which has been disputed in three distances: Supersprint (individual), Sprint (individual and by relays) and Olympic (individual and by relays).


From the 9 in the morning, the urban beach of Ereaga has become the focal point of an event that has congregated around 800 triathletes ready to fill the streets of the town with the magic of multidisciplinary sport.


Fernando Barroso has been the winner of the Skoda Triathlon Series Olympic distance, in a time of 2: 12: 03. Second place for Marcos Mendiola (2: 15: 27) and third Joseba Goti (2: 18: 42). In the female category, the winner has been Catherine Hollings, in 2: 39: 14), by managing to overcome Nuria Álvarez (2: 46: 03), second, and Judith de Prado.


In Sprint distance, the winner has been Luis Miguel Sánchez (1: 04: 06); while the Supersprint has been awarded Ignacio Suárez (0: 38: 45) and María Sevilla (0: 46: 35).


Next stop: Gavà

After the Getxo Triathlon dispute, the Skoda Triathlon Series He is already on his way to the last two dates of the season. It will be in Gavà, 28 in September, and in Malaga, 4 in October, the city where the 2014 campaign will end.


Enjoy triathlon Choose your goal

More information: www.skodatriathlonseries.org

Photo: Felix Sánchez


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