A 46-year-old athlete dies in a mountain race in Cuenca

As reported by the runnersworld a 46-year-old athlete has passed away this Sunday during a test a test of Trail Running in Palomera -Cuenca
It has happened in a difficult access area which has caused the health facilities to have had to travel in the foresters' vehicle, although upon arrival the athlete had already died.
The test was held in the Natural Park of the Cuenca area in two formats of 11 or 21 kilometers.
Some local media suggest that the man who died was participating in the trekking march When it's faded
According to the 112 emergency and emergency service of Castilla-La Mancha, the accident took place at 11:24 am on Sunday in a competition that was taking place between Palomera and Cuenca.
The athlete has been unconscious and emergencies have sent an ICU, but the area was difficult to access and the health facilities have been able to arrive with the foresters' vehicle. When they arrived, the runner had passed away.
In addition to the toilets, the firefighters and the Civil Guard have been notified.
This is the release test officer
“The Cuenca Athletics Club, organizer of the Palomera Mountain Race, announces the death of one of the participants during their dispute on the morning of September 12, 2021.
Likewise, the Cuenca Athletics Club expresses its greatest condolences and support to the entire family, colleagues and friends of the deceased at this very painful and unexpected moment due to this fatal outcome, which has mourned the sport of Cuenca.
Likewise, the Cuenca Athletics Club highlights and greatly appreciates the work carried out by the INFOCAM Forest Firefighters, Cuenca City Council Firefighters, Red Cross, Civil Guard, volunteers and friends who have done everything possible in the face of the unfortunate situation experienced after the fading of the hiker.
After more than 21 months where the calendar The organization of the Cuenca Athletics Club races has been left blank, the Palomera Mountain Race was supposed to serve to lay the first stone on the path of an exciting return to it. However, misfortune has turned this day into the most painful in its history.. "
From Triathlon News we send our deepest condolences to your family and friends