Volcano Triathlon

Gómez Noya will be three weeks in Fuerteventura

Javier Gómez Noya is spending the first 3 weeks of December at the Playitas tourist-sports complex, an ideal place for training triathletes that he already knew from previous stays.

This is his first concentration away from home after finishing his rest period in November, in which, in addition to recharging batteries, he has been attending to commitments with the media and sponsors, with whom he has shot advertisements and tested the material he will use. in the 2012 season. And as usually happens on these dates every year, he has attended several Sports Galas and received tributes.


In these three weeks you will prioritize swimming, for which Playitas offers an outdoor 50m pool. Javi is accompanied as usual by his coach Omar González; and he will receive help the last week from Pedro Miguel Reig, a Valencian triathlete who has a similar level in the water (he was an outstanding swimmer before reaching the triathlon), which will serve as an incentive to squeeze himself between the lanes, with several days of double sessions.

All this without forgetting the bike and racing, but for now in these other two sports he is limiting himself to filming to build a base that he will refine as the season progresses.

A season that should be remembered is focused exclusively on the Olympic event on Tuesday 7 August, for which it already has a place guaranteed by the Spanish Federation. There will only be a peak of form and the previous competitions will be few and without leaving Europe to avoid long trips in which training is interrupted - they will be set-up.

When he returns home for the Christmas holidays he will play the Galician winter swimming championships. To do this, before traveling to Fuerteventura he achieved the minimum marks in 200, 400, 800 and 1500 freestyle in a test on the longest distance in which the final time was unexpectedly good to be in the rest period: 16'07 ”, just 25 ”from your best mark. What's more, he did not even swim regularly but came out strong to do the minimum of 200 (sub 2 '), relaxed several lengths and pressed again to finish at a better pace than expected by his coach.


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