Gómez Noya wins the Spanish Acuatlon Championship
Javier Gómez Noya, bicampeón mundial de triatlón, sumó un nuevo título a su ya amplio palmarés de éxitos, el Campeonato de España de Acuatlón, que ayer conquistó en Ferrol. En el acuatlón no hay sector de bike, como en el triatlón: los participantes hacen frente a 2,5 kilómetros de carrera a pie, un kilómetro de natación y al salir vuelven a correr 2,5 kilómetros a pie.
Gómez Noya had no rival, he set his own pace and escaped in the first running section, so he already did the swimming section alone and without any opponent to force him to change the pace he set for himself. Upon leaving the water his advantage was even greater, so the second section of the race on foot was already a walk among the encouragement and congratulations of the fans who gathered on the margins of the circuit on Avenida del Mar de Caranza, in Ferrol.
He crossed the finish line in first place with a time of 28.33. Second place went to Jorge Naranjo, 46 seconds behind, and third place was occupied by Jesús Gomar, 52 seconds behind. The first three classified are triathletes from the Cidade de Lugo Fluvial.
Source: www.lavozdegalicia.es
In women, the German Ricarda Lisk won, with 32.55, which does not qualify for the Spanish Championship, which finally went to Carolina Routier, 25 seconds away.