• Lanzarote cycling tour

Gómez Noya could compete in the Duathlon World Championship in Gijón

Gómez Noya, left yesterday for Beijing, where on Saturday he will compete for a third Olympic sport world title that combines swimming with cycling and running.

He is currently third in the World Series, behind the English brothers Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee, and this weekend he will play the last important test of his season in the Chinese capital.

"Then I only have the Spanish championship, in Vigo. And then, depending on how tired you are, you may compete in Mexico or the United States; or I may even do the Gijón Duathlon World Cup“, explained to Efe, in a telephone conversation from Calella (Barcelona), moments before starting his trip to China, Gómez Noya, whose coach is the Asturian Omar González.

The elite duathlon World Cup will be decided on Saturday 24th on a route of ten kilometers on foot (four laps of a 2.500-meter circuit), 43,2 kilometers by bike (eight laps of a 5,4-kilometer route) and another five kilometers more (two laps) running starting and finishing at the Las Mestas Sports Complex.

Source: abc.es

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