Volcano Triathlon

Gustav Iden returns to IRONMAN 70.3 Mallorca

Nearly 80 professional triathletes are preparing to participate in the first European stop of the IRONMAN Pro Series in Alcúdia-Mallorca on Saturday, May 11.

Also on the starting list will be the 2022 IRONMAN® World Champion, Gustav Iden, who makes his debut in the Pro Series.

Iden will have to face triathletes such as Jan Stratmann, second in the IRONMAN 70.3 Valencia, Patrick Lange, leader of the IRONMAN Pro Series, Paul Schuster, Mathis Margirier, Youri Keulen, Cameron Wurf, Gregory Barnaby, Arnaud Guilloux or Bradley Weiss among others.

As for the Spaniards on the starting list they appear Emilio Aguayo, Albert Redolad, Francesc Artigues, Mikel Txopitea, and Gotzon Gondra,

Male start list

BibNumber Last Name First Name country representation
M1 Stratmann Jan DEU (Germany)
M3 Iden Gustav NOR (Norway)
M4 Swaddle Patrick DEU (Germany)
M6 Man Nicolas DEU (Germany)
M7 Margier Mathis FRA (France)
M8 Cologne Yuri NLD (Netherlands)
M9 White Bradley ZAF (South Africa)
M11 Dreitz Andi DEU (Germany)
M12 White Michael AUT (Austria)
M13 Barnaby Gregory ITA (Italy)
M14 Teagle James GBR (United Kingdom)
M15 Guilloux Arnaud FRA (France)
M16 magnien Dylan FRA (France)
M17 Petersen Mathias DNK (Denmark)
M18 throw Cameron AUS (Australia)
M19 By Keyser Christophe BEL (Belgium)
M20 Høgenhaug Kristian DNK (Denmark)
M21 Nieschlag Justus DEU (Germany)
M22 Goodwin George GBR (United Kingdom)
M23 Aguayo Muñoz Emilio ESP (Spain)
M24 Nilsson Patrik SWE (Sweden)
M25 Shoemaker Paul DEU (Germany)
M26 Raelert Michael DEU (Germany)
M27 Redolad Canalda Albert ESP (Spain)
M28 Thijs Nick BEL (Belgium)
M29 Cometta Patrick CHE (Switzerland)
M30 Chouvelon Corentin FRA (France)
M31 Wayaffe Jonathan BEL (Belgium)
M32 Verzella Davide ITA (Italy)
M33 Deysher Jacob USA
M34 Bar Quentin FRA (France)
M35 Sneberger Jan CZE (Czech Republic)
M36 Pius Rinel EST (Estonian)
M37 Schaufler Jannik DEU (Germany)
M38 Banach Bartosz POL (Poland)
M39 Meeuzen Fabian CHE (Switzerland)
M40 Bird John DEU (Germany)
M41 Guhr Sebastian DEU (Germany)
M42 fishbach Yannick DEU (Germany)
M43 Press Lukasz POL (Poland)
M44 lloyd Liam GBR (United Kingdom)
M45 Artigues-Ramis Francesc ESP (Spain)
M46 Askengren Albert SWE (Sweden)
M47 eggelling Marc DEU (Germany)
M48 Pereira John PRT (Portugal)
M49 Txopitea Mikel ESP (Spain)
M50 Olij Tristan NLD (Netherlands)
M51 Gondra Etxebarria Gotzón ESP (Spain)
M52 Mantell Ernest USA
M53 Emma Nick DEU (Germany)
M54 Hacquart Brice FRA (France)
M55 Ceccarelli Mattia ITA (Italy)

In the female category, Emma Pallant-Browne will wear the number one number and will seek to repeat her 2022 victory.

Other triathletes to take into account are Laura Philipp, Giorgia Priorone, Ruth Astle or Lizzie Rayner among others,

Female start list

BibNumber Last Name First Name country representation
F1 Pallant-Browne Emma GBR (United Kingdom)
F2 Philip Laura DEU (Germany)
F4 Priarone Giorgia ITA (Italy)
F5 Kleizer Daniela DEU (Germany)
F6 Rayner Lizzie GBR (United Kingdom)
F7 Astle Ruth GBR (United Kingdom)
F8 Curridori Elizabeth ITA (Italy)
F9 Hartikainen Hack FIN (Finland)
F10 Svensk Sara SWE (Sweden)
F11 Batt Franziska DEU (Germany)
F12 Bendix madsen Sif DNK (Denmark)
F13 Liepold Kristin DEU (Germany)
F14 immolo Julie FRA (France)
F15 Santimaria Margie ITA (Italy)
F16 arlom Hannah DEU (Germany)
F17 Clutterbuck Stephanie GBR (United Kingdom)
F18 Addie Laura GBR (United Kingdom)
F19 Suter Ore CHE (Switzerland)
F21 Bonner Sarah CAN (Canada)
F22 Roth Sabrina DEU (Germany)
F23 Iogna Prat Luisa ITA (Italy)
F24 Diaz Philippi Mary Florence ARG (Argentina)
F25 Paskiewiez Nikita FRA (France)
F26 Baumann Melanie CHE (Switzerland)
F28 Bow Bianca DEU (Germany)
F29 Timm Annika DEU (Germany)
F30 Meißner Lena DEU (Germany)
F31 illeditsch Elena DEU (Germany)
F32 Meyer Carolin DEU (Germany)

3.800 triathletes

In addition to professional triathletes, nearly 3.800 age groups will participate in the event to obtain slots for the IRONMAN 70.3 VinFast 2024 World Championship to be held on December 14 and 15 in Taupō, New Zealand.

In addition, the IRONMAN 70.3 Alcúdia-Mallorca also offers places for the 2024 IRONMAN VinFast World Championship in Nice, France, to the 5 best-ranked women in each age group category.

Additional Information


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