Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

IBERMAN announces its new circuits that will be closed to traffic in Spain

In this edition the test will end in Ayamonte


Today the 16 day of December, the definitive tours for the LD and MD test that will be played on the 14 of June and the 22 of March respectively.


The organization has guaranteed that the Servicio Marítimo Guardia Civil, for us one of the fundamental and vital pieces in the test, has given the go-ahead to the two dates and the new routes. That run through Spanish territory.


Most importantly, both the MD of the 22 of March, and the LD of the 14 of June, in Spain, WILL BE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC, for the total safety of the triathlete. In the LD, in Portugal part will be closed, because it is impossible to do it whole since there is no other alternative.


Further information: http://www.ibermantriatlon.es

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