The European Triathlon Championship opens registrations for the Age Groups
El Triathlon European Championship It will be held in Spain in the 2023 season in the city of Madrid from June 2 to 4 with the Elite, Paratriathlon and Age Group competitions.
The GAge groups will compete in two distances and in two different circuits, sprint y standard/olympic and registration is now open
The registration deadline for Spanish athletes is April 30, 2023 at 14:XNUMX p.m. (Outside of this period, no registration will be accepted, whatever the reason for request).
The registration fee for Spanish athletes has a 40% discount on the prices established for the European Championship, following the policy of FETRI and the Local Organizing Committees to apply a discount to the Spanish Age Groups.
registration prices
- Price ESP Age Groups Sprint €84
- ESP Price Standard Age Groups €96
- Price ESP Age Groups Sprint and Standard €162.
There is no discount for number of registrations
Only registrations of athletes with a valid triathlon license are allowed. As of January 15, 2023.
Every athlete registered in GG.EE. who is not Federated in Triathlon will proceed to withdraw from the competition, applying the cancellation policy.
Until February 28, 2023, at 23.59:50 p.m., XNUMX% of the registration may be requested, whatever the reason and without any justification.
As of March 1, 2023, no refund will be made, whatever the reason for requesting it.
Standard Age Groups (Casa de Campo Environment)
Competition Standard Age Groups, will take place on Saturday June 3 in the morning
- Swimming: 2 laps of a 750-meter circuit in the Casa de Campo Lake
- Cycling: 2 laps on a 20 km circuit
- Race on foot: 4 laps on a 2,5 km circuit
Sprint Age Groups (Swimming at the Casa de Campo and Finish Line at the Royal Palace)
Competition Sprint Age Groups, will take place on Sunday June 4 in the morning
- Swimming: 1 lap of a 750-meter swimming circuit in the Casa de Campo Lake
- Cycling: 1 lap of a 20 km circuit with T2 at the Royal Palace
- Career: 2 laps of a 2,5 km circuit around the Royal Palace
Friday June 2
- Delivery of bib numbers Age Groups
Saturday 3 June
- Age Groups Distance Standard
- Awards ceremony Age Groups Standard distance
- Delivery of bib numbers Age Groups
Dominican 4 June
- Age Groups Sprint distance
- Awards Ceremony Age Groups Distance Sprint
Regulatory bases allocation of places European Triathlon Championship - Madrid 2023
For Age Group athletes who intend to participate in the next Triathlon European Championship to be held in Madrid in June 2023, the following criteria for assigning places are established, within the 25 that Spain has assigned by age group, distance, and sex:
European Olympic Distance Triathlon Championship (“Drafting” NOT allowed)
Up to 25 places per age group according to the results in the Spanish Olympic Triathlon Championship, Banyoles 2022.
Rest of places according to individual Triathlon ranking as of April 30, 2023.
In the event that there are free places, it will be in order of registration.
European Sprint Distance Triathlon Championship (Drafting Allowed)
Up to 25 places per age group according to the results in the Spanish Sprint Triathlon Championship, Cartagena 2022.
Rest of places according to individual Triathlon ranking as of April 30, 2023.
In the event that there are free places, it will be in order of registration.
MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION – Cto. Europe Triathlon Madrid 2023