What is SERTRI?
SERTRI ”is a project that seeks to promote the popular development of Triathlon in Spain at two levels; encourage participation by offering a wide participatory range accessible to all and generate a powerful communication campaign linked to triathlon, committed to the sport, we want everyone who wants to try it, have their opportunity.
A sport like Triathlon; Young, innovative and emerging could not find a better travel companion than Grupo PRISA, which is also a leading communication group in our country.
After several months of meetings and sharing ideas between the SER CHANNEL and the FETRI, the project has been presented SERTRI.
SERTRI, born from the federative environment but seeking to facilitate the popularization of this sport among those who are starting in the triathlon or want to do it. Having the opportunity to go hand in hand with a leading communication group, gives us the possibility of reaching all corners and associating the image of Triathlon with something fun, for everyone, in a party environment and at the same time with u high degree of commitment and solidarity.
The idea in this first year, rather than looking for high participation, is to show the idea of what we believe the bases of popularization of Triathlon should be: affordable distances for all tastes, popular prices, animations in the finish area, gifts for everyone the participants, individualized results, tests in spectacular environments and with safe routes. In addition, participating in this test gives you the opportunity to be part of a solidarity project, donating a part of the registration to a cause, and all this under a powerful communication campaign at both national and regional level, wherever each one is held. of these first dates of 2011.
For Jose Hidalgo, President of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, “for years it had been going around in my head to generate a project to popularize Triathlon at these two levels, participation and communication in which the Federations (Spanish and Autonomous) were really involved. In a project of this type and doing it with Grupo Prisa as a communication channel, allows us to reach all corners of the Spanish geography. In our country there is a great love for Triathlon and thanks to this agreement today our dream of being able to reach the door of everyone who wants to try this sport has been fulfilled, an opportunity that cannot be missed ”.
Thinking of anyone who wants to start in this sporting discipline, accessible distances have been created for all audiences. Our goal, a popular and fun triathlon, to share with family and friends, adapted to all types of physical conditions and giving the opportunity to practice it to anyone who wants to try their first triathlon.
The advertising campaign begins on May 20 at the local and national level through the leading stations Cadena Ser and 40 main.
The start of the Tour will begin on May 29 in Zaragoza, and will continue in other Spanish cities that will join this first SERTRI Popular Circuit.
Further information: http://triatlon.cadenaser.com/