Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Javier Gómez Noya receives the gold medal for sports merit

Javier Gómez Noya received this Sunday, November 17, the gold medal of the Royal Order of Sports Merit from the hands of the president of the Higher Council of Sports (CSD), Miguel Cardenal. The award ceremony was also attended by, among others, José Hidalgo, president of the Spanish Triathlon Federation (FETRI) and Iñaki Arenal (technical director of FETRI).




The event took place in the facilities of the High Performance Center of Madrid, during the delivery of diplomas to the participants of the solidarity triathlon clinic with Javier Gómez Noya, which has been organized by Ecotrimad and the Canal Isabel II Sports Club for the benefit of the triathlete Eva Moral.

After the award ceremony, Gómez Noya said that "The maximum distinction of Spanish sport is a pride ... I am very happy that my work has been valued, not only this year but in recent years, and I am delighted to have received it in person. As with all awards and recognitions, they are always a motivation to continue working towards next year. Seeing that your effort is rewarded and recognized is always very pleasant ".

Also, the Olympic runner-up wanted to send a message of unity, noting that "Everything that is reaching agreements for the good of the Spanish triathlon is always positive. I hope that everyone remembers in the same direction so that the Spanish triathlon will benefit and solve many problems that now exist, but of course with good will, despite the situation and economic crisis that exists today, I think that with Goodwill and efforts from all over the world, agreements can be reached that are favorable for all triathletes. "

In turn, the Galician triathlete pointed out that facing 2014 "The main objective will be the ITU World Championship, the World Series, and then as always I try to do something different, and for the next year I'm thinking about doing the Middle Distance World Championship ... It fits me well on date ... and for Try something new".

The president of the Superior Council of Sports, congratulated the three times world champion for his sporting successes and highlighted his great season. For his part, the president of the Spanish Triathlon Federation, José Hidalgo, congratulated Gómez Noya and stressed that "The event summarizes what triathlon is: on the one hand, recognition of the sports side of a three-time world champion, such as Javier Gómez Noya, and at the same time his commitment to triathlon, and his solidarity with other triathletes. The triathlon people, and the sport, is special; proof of this is that in the face of one of our misfortunes, the triathlon world has been at his side, starting with Javier Gómez Noya. The World Champion, standard of the international triathlon, has been one of the first to be at his side ". At the same time, he wanted to thank "The presence on a day like today, the president of the Sports Council, which shows his level of commitment to our sport, closely following the evolution of our great champions."

The award to Javier Gómez Noya is a recognition of the professional career of the Galician triathlete, which has a wide range of sporting achievements in which highlight the ITU Triathlon World Championships achieved in 2008, 2010 and 2013, the 2007 European Championships, 2009 and 2012. Added to this is the silver medal achieved in the past Olympic Games of London 2012 and numerous podiums in various national and international competitions. This award rewards a committed athlete, who increases his legend day by day, and makes us enjoy triathlon and sports values, at the same time that he thrills in each competition.

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