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Jose Almagro: "The hard and technical circuit of Ribadesella is good for me as a cyclist"

Jose Almagro comes to win in the ducatlon of Cantimpalos and faces this test with options to victory



Jose Almagro will participate in this first edition of the Triahtlon Festival Ribadesella and part with options for victory. From Triathlon News we wanted to interview him to know how he faces the test.


Why did you decide to participate in the 1º edition of the Triathlon Festival?

Mario Reis, the organizer, contacted us to see if we wanted to participate. I have spent my summers in that area of ​​Asturias all my life and I was excited to compete there, and it was also good for the calendar So we have no doubts. They are putting a lot of effort into making this first edition a success and I am very happy to support this event.


This year you have achieved an eighth position in Vitoria, 1º in the Half of Madrid, 3º placed in Seville and several TOP 10 in Media distance tests. How do you see yourself for this test?

The truth is that I look pretty good, maybe where I am worse is in the water but I am not fatal either, but I'm on a bike and running, I won the demanding ducatlon of Cantimpalos last week and this has been an extra motivation and a good sample that I am in a good moment of form. I would be very excited to be able to fight for being on the podium.


The cycling profile of this test that adapts to your conditions?

A priori well, I think it is very hard and winding and me, if it is hard and technical, it is good for me, I think that because of my condition as a "cyclist", a trip like this can benefit me from other "pure" triathletes.


Have you been able to recognize the circuits? Tell us something about them

I have not seen it, I want to go see it on Friday by car, a demanding circuit needs to be visualized. From what I have been told are narrow roads and everything goes uphill. What I hope is that it does not rain because this may be an extra that makes this segment even more difficult.


You are a coach, what would you say to those who face this test for the first time

Well, they are many distances but for beginners there are some common tips:


- Have a good rest the days before, that what they have not trained and will not achieve this week

- That they feed and hydrate well the previous days and also during the race

- That they do not risk in excess that it is better to sin of prudent and to remain with desire that to finish fused or not to be able to finish.

- They go with time to collect the numbers, boxes, etc ... That always in these prolegomena the minutes are spent flying and then we "catch the bull"

- That the regulations and regulations are read

- And above all that they enjoy, that they do not stop thinking that they do triathlon to enjoy and have fun.


 And what do you think will be the key point of the race?

All the segments have their importance, but in this tour I think that cycling may have a little more importance maybe than in other triathlons. As I say, I hope it's good weather and that the rain does not condition the race and we can enjoy a nice day of triathlon.

More information about Triathlon Festival Ribadesella http://www.triatlonribadesella.com/


More information about Jose Almagro: 

WEBSITE :http://www.josealmagrovalero.com

FB : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=726135628

TW https://twitter.com/JAlmagroValero

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