The FETRI will appeal the resolution of the case Xabi Llobet before the courts

The Spanish Triathlon Federation has just announced that it will appeal the decision of the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline that has admitted the appeal of the athlete.
The aforementioned resolution of the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline is not final and may be appealed. In this sense, the FETRI announces that the Board of Directors of the Spanish Triathlon Federation has agreed appeal said resolution administrative before the courts and corresponding courts of the contentious - administrative order.
This is the note sent by the Federation:
Analyzed the resolution of the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline that has estimated the resource of the athlete, and always respecting the decisions adopted by the committee, the governing bodies of the Spanish Triathlon Federation do not share the arguments and motivations that lead to revoke the sanction imposed.
This Spanish federation considers that the resolution of the federative disciplinary body is fully in accordance with the Law, since a series of acts constituting a violation of the doping regulations are sanctioned that would be sufficiently accredited by a whole series of reliable evidence that appears in the files of the criminal procedure processed in the courts of La Seo d'Urgell in the investigation of a crime against public health.
The Spanish Federation of Triathlon appeared as part of the aforementioned judicial procedure in order to be able to know and obtain data and information that, beyond being constitutive of a criminal offense, could verify the existence of sports infractions by federated triathletes.
The various pieces of evidence that appear in the judicial records and in the federative disciplinary file (statements of the athlete before the police and judicial authorities, telephone recordings to the athlete, etc.) would accredit the existence of a violation of the doping rules, and they would not have been annulled. by the courts and tribunals. The disciplinary body of the Spanish Triathlon Federation understood that such evidence is sufficient to proclaim the existence of a violation of the doping rules and, consequently, to impose the corresponding sanction.
It must be remembered that in accordance with the regulations in force, there is a sports infraction of the doping rules by an athlete not only when a positive is detected in a doping control, but also when it is proven that it has been acquired or possessed, or is willing to acquire and possess doping substances.
Resorting to the resolution of the Spanish Committee of Sports Discipline should be understood as a new action of the commitment of the Spanish Triathlon Federation in the fight against doping.
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