Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Spanish brand "ICAN" lands in German Lands.

1.400 participants during 2013 endorse ICAN.


The Triathlon franchise of medium and long distance ICAN, will land this August 25 in the German town of Nordhausen, in its first international appointment where the first edition of the HALF ICAN Nordhausen.



In its third year of existence, and after consolidating in Spain after the celebration in 2013 of its three appointments: Malaga, Seville and Valladolid, this appointment arrives in Germany in a test that will be carried out on the Medium Distance (1,9 kilometers of swimming, 90 kilometers of cycling and finishing the race with 21 kilometers of running)


Among the favorites stand out Per Bittner, Georg Potrebitsch and, but I'm sure it will be difficult Jens Lehmann, Josef Krivanek y Andre Brethauer In the female category, the favorites are Katja Konschak winner of ICAN Malaga 2013, 4th in Challenge Roth 2013  Heidi Sessner ,Mareen Hufe y Simone Burli-Sickert.


ICAN is planted in Germanic soil with near 200 Subscribers where an 5% they are Spanish.


Further information: http://www.icantriathlon.com/internas/ican_nordhausen.php?pg=1

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