• Lanzarote cycling tour

The Federations of Triathlon and Cycling of the Valencian Community sign an agreement to promote the cross duathlon and the mountain bike

The Triathlon and Cycling Federations of the Valencian Community have signed a historic agreement to promote their different modalities /noticias.info/ The triathlon federations of the Valencian Community will be able to participate in a series of tests on the mountain bike (BTT) circuit of the Cycling Federation of the CV. Likewise, federated cyclists will also have carte blanche to participate in various duathlon cross competitions.

The Triathlon and Cycling Federations of the Valencian Community have signed an agreement by which triathletes will be able to participate in some of the mountain bike races and cyclists in duathlon cross races.

Rafael Redondo, president of the Triathlon Federation, and Amadeo Olmos, head of the Cycling Federation, closed yesterday the agreement that will promote both duathlon cross and mountain biking. The Triathlon Federation of the CV intends to give a definitive boost to the cross duathlon and directs its efforts to achieve it. If a week ago the Duathlon Cross Extreme circuit was presented, which included the Aspe, Santa Pola, Banyeres de Mariola, Elda and Moixent events, now is the time for cyclists to also participate in tests.

In addition to the Cross Extremme Duathlon Circuit, federated cyclists will also be able to benefit from the agreement in the Riba-Roja Autonomous Region and in Bocairent.

On the other hand, triathlon federated members may be in the cycle tours of Losa de Obispo, Monovar, Picassent, Alpuente, Salsadella, Pina de Montalgrao, Sagunto, Tuéjar, Onda, Sax, Villena, La Campaneta, Chelva, Vall d'Uixó , Tibi, Villafamés and La Nucía.

Redondo was very happy about the agreement: “It is a historic event in the promotion of our respective sports. Although the validity is relatively short because it only affects 2011, we hope to renew this agreement next season.

Source: .noticias.info

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