Mario Mola Runner-up of the Triathlon World. Javier Gómez Noya third
Vicent Luis has won his first world title and Kristian Blummenfelt has won the Grand Final

Today was expected in Laussane (Switzerland) the expected Grand Final of the Triathlon World Series, in the most exciting edition of recent years because 6 trialtetas were likely of getting the world title.
In one season there have been 17 triathletes who have won a podium and only Jacob Birtwhisle has won two victories.
Today's test was reached with Vicent Luis as leader with 397 points of advantage over Mario Mola and 493 on Javier Gómez Noya. Fernando Alarza It was fourth and completed the Spanish participation Antonio Serrat.
The French depended on himself to get the title as it was worth being fifth as long as Mario Mola won.
Remember that Luis has won the last two victories in the Grand Final (2017 and 2018) so he always arrives at this event in a great form.
The competition was played over Olympic distance with a cycling sector with two ascents that have marked the test.
The test began at 14:20 p.m. with the 1.500 meter swim without wetsuit where the first to get out of the water was Henry Schoeman followed by Polyanskiy, Varga and Vicent Luis. In this first very compact group, Antonio Serrat 11º, Javier Gómez Noya 14º and Mario Mola came out at 20 seconds.
At the beginning of the cycling sector, hard with very strong climbs, a group of 14 was formed in the lead with Noya, Brownlee, Luis, Van Riel, Blummenfelt or Serrat followed at 12 seconds by a second group where Mola, Alarza or Birthwhisle were in seeks to cut the distances.
During the second round, the group was unified with 23 units already with all the Spaniards and favorites where the Norwegian trio was (Gustav Iden, Kristian Blummenfelt and Casper Stornes) who came wanting to impose a strong rhythm. The second group went to 20 seconds.
In the third round the two groups were unified, leaving the options open again for all trialtetas. At 1 minute the chasing group where Alex Yee or the French Le Corre among others was.
Finally, the group arrived unified to T2 with 23 in the lead, where we saw a rapid and very important transition where they all came out very close together.
Blummenfelt was the first to try to leave, although the persecuting group led by Mola followed by Vicent Luis, Noya, Alarza and the Norwegians Iden and Stornes trying to reach him.
In passing through the first round the group reached Blummenfelt passing Mola in the lead with a strong rhythm leaving Noya and Stornes leaving the group with 5 units.
Mola with a strong rhythm kept breaking the group this time leaving Alarza and Iden in the second round.
Shortly before the km 5 of race Blummenfelt tried a new attack in a descent and this time opening a hole, going through the last lap with 15 seconds with respect to Mola and Luis.
At 3 kilometers to finish, Mola left his training partner Vicent Luis who suffered a downturn to try to reach the Norwegian and fight for the victory of the Grand Final.
Finally the norwegian Kristian Blummenfelt got the victory with a 1 time: 50: 46 followed by Mario Mola followed (1: 53: 03) for its Fernando Alarza (1: 51: 18) which has finished in third position.
Gustav Iden it has been fourth and Vicent Luis fifth to have achieved his first world title Javier Gómez Noya It has been 6º and Antonio Serrat 21 º
Mario Mola second, Javier Gómez Noya third and Fernando Alarza fourth in the World Ranking
This is the provisional classification of the 2019 World Ranking
Mario Mola gets his place for the Tokyo Olympics
With this result, the first Spaniard in the event, Mario Mola, has obtained his place for the Tokyo Olympic Games, since in the regulations FETRI They changed the criteria for deciding this test.
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