Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Triathlon MD Cabo de Gata Nijar, an international triathlon

The III Cabo de Gata-Nijar Triathlon will be held next October 19



The triathletes who participate in this medium distance triathlon You will enjoy a privileged environment swimming in the crystalline waters of the Maritime Terrestrial Park of Cabo de Gata, traveling in bike all one volcanic origin and crossing on foot the wonderful spot of the beaches of San José, the Genoveses and Mónsul, a triathlon to enjoy.


This year Triathlon MD Cabo de Gata Nijar, will have a marked international character, with the participation of some international triathletes, such as Hungarian Dàvid Bartos, 7º classified in the past Hungarian National Championship and winner of the 2014 XManromania, as well as the Austrian Sylvia Gehnböck, triathlete with a wide international track record, which will surely give more emotion to the competition.


More information: http://triatloncabodegatanijar.com

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