Triathlon News
The 1st Duathlon Cup is born in Castilla y León
The first duathlon circuit appears, which will be held entirely in the most representative places of large cities.
In the months of February, March and April there will be five duathlons that will make up the first Duathlon Cup of Castilla y León.
This new circuit seeks the promotion of this sport within the population centers, as well as offering athletes an ideal environment to compete.
In each competition, in addition to the star test which will be a duathlon sprint in all venues, it will be accompanied by a half distance test and minors' tests where the youngest will enjoy the sport.
The promotion test is aimed at those athletes who want to start in this sport and do not have a specific physical preparation, where the challenge is to finish your first duathlon. Children from 4 to 16 years old may participate in the minors' tests.
The circuit has 3.000 € of cash prizes that will be distributed in their last competition to the winners. In addition, a commemorative shirt will be given in each test and the smallest will receive gifts.
The venues of this first edition of the Cup, which is born with the philosophy of reaching more cities in coming years, are: Valladolid the 17 of February, Ávila the March 28, León the 14 for April, Segovia the 21 of April and Soria the 28 for April.
The start of the circuit will be a warning of what will come behind, occupying in the first test the Plaza Mayor of Valladolid. This Cup could not be developed without the collaboration of these City Councils, which have believed the project of ambitious sports promotion, and have dumped giving us its streets and most emblematic places.
It is expected a close participation to the 500 participants by venue, with athletes from all over Spain attracted by the fact of competing in the center of these cities.
It also seeks to promote sports and family tourism thanks to this sport that is booming, offering athletes quality competitions and children to enjoy sports
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