Do you know the importance of Magnesium in sports?
This month of May the new book by Ana María la Justicia has been launched. It describes why the consumption of foods and substances rich in magnesium is important, why Ethiopian athletes win in-depth competitions, and explains the reasons for taking it from very early on age.
Ana María Justice has published a new book that deals with the importance of magnesium in the practice of sport.
In this new book, the author explains the importance of this mineral, together with the collagen, in the prevention of "modern" diseases (Cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc.), and describes why the consumption of foods and substances rich in magnesium is important, why Ethiopian athletes win background competitions, and explains the reasons for taking it from an early age.
Magnesium is essential for muscle relaxation, obtaining energy in the Krebs cycle and in the formation and repair of tissues.
People who do prolonged physical exercise know that the lack of potassium in the muscle causes Cramps, but almost nobody has explained that the lack of magnesium also.
They also do not know that this deficit can cause them cerebrovascular accident and even sudden death.
The importance of Magnesium in the organism it is transcendental in any individual, in the athlete and in children in particular, because their needs are greater. Further:
1 Intervenes in the proper functioning of the locomotor system.
2 Stimulates the manufacture and repair of tendons, cartilages, ligaments and tissues.
3 Activates the function of the central nervous system.
4 Favor the correct mental work and concentration and avoid anxiety and nervousness.
5 It helps to obtain energy for the Krebs cycle.
Ana Maria Lajusticia, author of the books that have marked a before and after in the explanation of various diseases classified as "incurable", and sales successes for decades, both nationally and internationally, with this work helps to avoid the deterioration of the organism and favor the conditions for its optimal maintenance.
Learn more
Collagen with Magnesium for sports practice:ALMSPORT