Pablo Aznar wins in the Cros Canal of Castilla Triathlon
The inagural test of the first Triathlon Cross of average distance in Spain has had all the ingredients of the races marked by the epic.
A total of 118 triathletes faced Sunday this new format. 55 participants would cover the distances in full and 63 would be part of the 17 teams by registered relays. The distances to travel were a challenge for all of them when facing the 1900 m. of swimming, 90 km of cycling and 20 km on foot in triathlon cross format. Undoubtedly, the great attraction was the cyclist segment that linked the town of Alar del Rey with Palencia capital along the tracks that run along the northern branch of the Canal de Castilla.
Photo: Ducross
All the preparations of the last months by the organization were going to be put to the test from the first moment. The participants were going to find a new element that added greater hardness to the one already predicted, the water temperature. The 15ºC were the main protagonists of the swimming segment. Faced with this situation, the organization together with the judges decided to shorten the anticipated distances until leaving them in 1.200 meters. Despite the cut, the hardness was not going to decrease as they were witnessing the triathletes as they left the dock of Alar del Rey. The scenes of the transition were a true reflection of the problems derived from the cold they had faced moments before.
Bikers in the Canal de Castilla
The test takes its name from the hydraulic work that represented the greatest civil engineering challenge of its time. A challenge that the participants faced on the back of their mountain bikes. An uneven course along packed dirt tracks and loose gravel heralded a fast race. The wind that blew in favor contributed to this so that the passage through landmarks such as Fromista and Grijota were carried out at high speeds. Some places that in many cases were being discovered as the race progressed by most of the participants.
Undoubtedly, one of the most commented aspects among triathletes has been the beauty of the cycling circuit. As it is a race that connects two such distant points, they are an added attraction since it provides a greater component of adventure. The evolution of triathlon means that circuits are routinely used where they turn around until they complete the entire distance. 20 & 2 Canal de Castilla is a triathlon that recovers the essence of a fighting sport with distance, the elements and the athlete's own limits.
Palencia, final point for the finishers
The race on foot was developed entirely around the capital of Palencia. After more than 4 hours the triathletes had to complete the last 20 km on foot that would take them to finish a long day.
The first to achieve glory was Pablo Aznar, who exceeded 5 hours of continuous effort. An exceptional performance that was only surpassed by the winning team in the relay format. An achievement within the reach of very few. The triathlete from Guadalquivir is a specialist in long distances in extremely difficult tests, with his 14th place in the Norseman Triathlon, one of the longest distance tests, being outstanding. Ironman of the toughest races on the planet. He based his victory on an ambitious cycling section that gave him the margin with which to defend his lead against the pressure of Gizka Broullon and David Pilo, second and third respectively.
In the female category, triumph for Concepción Cabrera, who faced the event as the only participant in her category.
20 & 2 Canal de Castilla was the headquarters of the Spanish Fire and Police Championship of the modality. The distinction as champion went to Iker Lausen Olave.
This first edition of the Triathlon Cross 20 & 2 Canal de Castilla has had the collaboration of the Sports Council of Palencia, as well as the support of commercial brands of the Aquagest entity.
The participants' goal impressions reflected enthusiasm for the discovery of a unique test that will surely grow in future editions.
Source: MaunaCom