What is a DAN, High Level Athlete?

The CSD has published a guide where he explains that he is a high-level athlete

High-level athletes are those who have been accredited as such by resolution of the President of the Higher Sports Council for having achieved the results determined for their sport, category and competition, established in the Annexes of the Royal Decree of High-Level Athletes in PDF

The relationships of high-level athletes are published in the BOE.

Currently there are a total of 1.438 High Level athletes in Spain

These athletes must have fulfilled the requirements and conditions defined in articles 3 and 4 of the royal decree on high-level and high-performance athletes, prior to being accredited as high-level, and will lose this condition in accordance with the provisions of articles 15. and 16 of said royal decree.

The application for high-level status is made through the corresponding Spanish Federation, within a maximum period of 6 months after the end of the sports competition, in which the athlete has performed the result.

Once included in the Resolution, the athlete can directly request a certificate of said condition to the Higher Sports Council (91 5896680)


There are no previous results.

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