• Lanzarote cycling tour
  • Lanzarote cycling tour

Ramón Ejeda and María Ortega take on the triathlon of Pareja

About 300 triathletes have competed on Saturday August 25 in the Alcarreña town of Pareja, with victories for Ramón Ejeda Medina and María Ortega de Miguel.

Everything has its reward, years of work and effort have positioned the Guadalajara triathlons in an unquestionable status due to their quality and excellent organization. This weekend has been confirmed in the V edition of the Couple Triathlon, where Ramón Ejeda Molina, from the Diablibllos de Rivas Club (1h43'25 ″), and María Ortega de Miguel, from the TriToledo (1h58'32 ″) have been proclaimed )

This test, of Olympic distance (1.500 ms swimming; 36 km cycling and 10 km running), the Castilla-La Mancha championship in this modality, and the second appointment of the provincial circuit, has summoned 22% more participants this year that in the 2011 edition, a figure that shows the consolidation of this event and that it will be presented as the prelude to the medium-distance triathlon that will be held next weekend in Guadalajara.

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