Spain, gold and silver mixed relay junior and elite of the Duathlon World Championship
The Spanish team has given an impressive performance this afternoon during the Mixed Relay Duathlon World Championships in junior and elite categories. An intense and exciting modality, which has been responsible for dismissing the duathletes as they pass through Pontevedra.
After a joint departure, the Spanish Sonia Bejarano it was positioned in the first places in the elite category. Each of the four components of each team had to carry out an initial segment of 4 km of foot race, 8 km of cyclists and 2 km of final race on foot through the streets of the city of Lérez.
From the beginning the French team has placed itself in the top positions, with Sandra Levenez demonstrating again that she is a great specialist in this modality. After making the first relay, Levenez passed the baton to Etienne Diemunsch in first position, with the second Spaniard David Castro, following its wake a few meters away.
The Frenchman would increase his advantage in the course of the next two stages of competition to then give the turn to his partner Sabrina Monmarteau who would retain the margin previously obtained. Meanwhile, Spain retained second place, with Miriam Casillas making a splendid post to make way for the last Spanish relay, Emilio Martín with the British team struggling in third position.
The Huelva would manage to cut distances in the first stretch of the race on foot, with Benoit Nicolas, the current duathlon world champion, still leading the test for France. The cycling segment would be decisive, with Nicolas increasing the advantage of the French team to reach the T2 with a comfortable advantage. Despite his efforts, the Spanish did not manage to chase the Frenchman, who crossed the finish line in first position, giving the world title to France.
After an excellent relief, Martin entered second place with Spain obtaining the subchampionship and the third step of the podium was for the British, with a team consisting of Georgina Schwiening, Philip Wylie, Gillian Palmer and Danny Russell.
En Junior category, Spain was the great dominator with a team composed of Claudia Luna that already began to get a good income, to spend the turn to Roberto Sánchez Mantecón that would also contribute to increase the advantage. Next, the third Spanish reliever, Cecilia Santamaría would make a splendid post, further increasing the differences with respect to their rivals so that finally the local duathlete Antonio Serrat He would cross the finish line in first position, to merge into an exciting hug along with his teammates, to the delight of the audience present.
The silver medal was for the Italians Angelica Olmo, Riccardo Natari, Luisa Iogna-Prat and Marco Corrà. While the Portuguese representatives, Madalena Amaral, David Luis, Alexandra Santos and Igor Valente hung the bronze medal.
A spectacular end of party, with a vibrant competition, for two intense days that put the finishing touch to an incredible Duathlon World Championship, in which the public has not ceased to clothe all the participants that have approached the Galician town of Pontevedra to enjoy the best of the world duathlon.