Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Looking for a good gift for this Christmas? Sand Beach - Lanzarote awaits you!

Sand Beach - Lanzarote awaits you!


Which gives less than a month for the closing of the inscriptions of this Campus that, in spite of being its first edition, is already about to hang the poster of "KIT"



If you are looking for a new adventure in the Triathlon World Come to Sand Beach Lanzarote and participate in the next 15 in February at the Campus Complete Training! Where you will get an unbeatable "set-up" for the next season.


A campus that has limited participation to 12 triathletes in order to have great attention on it by offering training of each discipline.


Alternating with the training schedules set, in addition other activities such as Material Test (Sneakers Skechers, Sailfish wetsuits…), Education y Testing of Multipowe productsr, Watts test, Recording y Underwater analysis of the swimming technique, Specific talks (Planning, training with power, nutrition, analysis of data, videoanálisis), as well as the possibility of making a biomechanical study with an 30% discount for belonging to the campus, from the hand of www.aeriumfit.com


The cost of registration will be 525 € and will include all ACTIVITIES OF THE CAMPUS, as well as travel from the airport, lodging and half board during the 7 days of the campus. Also if you register with your registration, and as a gift you will have:  Official jersey Limited Edition of the CampusLa Javie, 1 Skechers shoes GoRun (valued at 90 €),  Skechers backpack y Bpositive T-shirt A good proposal for the start of this season!


If you want to know the hours of activities, you are looking for more information or you are already decided to be part of this campus, visit: http://www.entrenamientocompleto.com/


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