Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

BDREAM Sevilla is suspended

After having canceled the Alicante elite race on September 26, BDREAM has announced that it is suspending the European Cup in Seville


BDream I communicated yesterday to the FETRI (Spanish Triathlon Federation), the cancellation of the test which it was to be held in Sevilla the weekend of the 19 of October: "For technical reasons and of human resources and before the low reported yesterday of the anticipated sponsor we are forced to suspend the European Cup of Seville."

The fact that Seville has been cancelled does not mean any other changes in the calendar national, and the Club League, FETRI Championship, will continue its path, and will be held on the date and in the scheduled place (El Toyo, Almería, October 26).


The FETRI has announced on its website that it is not unaware of this situation and is studying it for take the appropriate measures, that will be aimed at safeguarding the interests of athletes and clubs. And he has assured that he will carry out all the commitments that derive from his Championships in Spain.


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