Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Triatló Port de Palma Mallorca 2020 is suspended

It was going to be held in September

Another bad news for the trialton world, the PSA Triathlon Port of Palma Majorca 2020 that was to be played this September will not finally be held due to the Covid-19 pandemic

This is the official statement

“We regret to inform you that we are forced by various circumstances to suspend the “PSA Triatlo Port de Palma Mallorca 2020”.

At first from the organization we have worked and maintained the illusion to celebrate this event adapting to all the participation requirements, sanitary measures, etc., that were indicated to us by the competent institutions.

It has been weeks of preparing protocols, changes of locations, new measures, in order to be able to celebrate the test and enjoy the sport with the maximum guarantees.

Reality, on the other hand, has not played in our favor, and finally the institutions involved have decided to deny the test based on the complicated situation that the Ciutat of Palma is going through at the moment, not seeing its celebration possible despite our anti-Covid plan.

On the one hand, we have been informed that, although we have presented a sufficiently complete "Covid-19 Measures Plan", with correct measures, and well valued by the technicians, a plan that we presented a few weeks ago in the General Directorate of Sports As a massive test with a participation of more than 150 people, they do not see the coherence of holding this event with the current situation.


And secondly, today after a meeting with the police and security agents of the Local Police and the Port of Palma, and given their precarious situation in the face of possible contagions in their limited staff, not being able to ensure adequate coverage for the size of The test, (just remember that the cycling test is held on the Palma promenade with the complexity that this entails), it has been agreed not to authorize it.

Given this situation, first of all thank all the people who have attended us these days in the institutions, for their kindness and good work, in such a complicated and uncertain scenario.

Secondly, to inform the participants that we are canceling the test for this year and are placing it on September 5, 2021.

TAll registrations go automatically to this edition, and of course we also offer different formulas for refunding amounts, although in a regulated way, we offer the following solutions to registered athletes.

1º All those registered in any of the PEUGEOT PSA Retail Port de Palma Triathlon Mallorca events, will pass automatically to be enrolled in the 2021 edition without the need for any management.

2 º Acquisition of BONUSES for the full amount of the registration in tests organized by the company Elitechip SL. In this case, participants should contact us by writing RETURN BONUS CODE to: [email protected]

3rd Obtain the 75% refund of registration and a voluntary donation of 25% in solidarity with the expenses that the organization has borne.

In this case, participants should contact us by writing RETURN 75% to: [email protected]

Note from the organization: After a deep reflection in which the center of our thoughts has been to offer the maximum facilities to our participants in a fair and equitable way, we adopt this formula to be able to mitigate the irrecoverable and duly justified expenses that the organization requires of us of the test both on a material and human level.

4 º 100% refund of the registration fee.

In this case, participants should contact us by writing RETURN 100% to: [email protected] "


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