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Looking for a challenge for August? Swimming crossing the Cíes Islands

If you are looking for a challenge to compete this summer, a crossing is a great option.

One of the most important crossings of our country and reference in the world, is the Cíes Islands Challenge, which consists of touring 10km to swim that separate the Cíes Islands from the city of Vigo, from Rodas beach in Cíes Islands to Vao beach in Vigo.

This test is not competitive and this year it will be limited in the number of participants to 150.

Test format

The test will be disputed andl Saturday, August 28 and will have a 10 km distance in a non-competitive format. 

The swimmers will be divided into 4 groups depending on the rhythm indicated in the registration, which will be the time in 3.000 meters at the crossing pace.

The groups will be controlled by a group leader who will be able to stop and reorganize the group at the time he deems appropriate, as well as remove from the water those swimmers who remain off the hook in a continuous way from their group.

The groups can not mix or have exchange of swimmers in the water.

Another point to ensure the safety of swimmers is that the use of a watertight swimming buoy will be mandatory.


10km A swim that separates the Cíes Islands from the city of Vigo, from the Rodas beach in the Cíes Islands to the Vao beach in Vigo.


Registration for the XI EDITION of the ISLASCÍES CHALLENGE will begin on June 11 and has a price of 125 euros.

Official Web https://www.desafioislascies.com/travesia-desafioislascies-10k/ 



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