Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Series Triathlon by Polar, Tristar, SerTri, Garmin Triathlon or Women's Triathlon is your challenge for this year? PREPARE IT!

Is your challenge for this year to cross the finish line of a Sprint Triathlon? Start your workouts now!

Facing a Sprint triathlon (750m swim + 20 km bike + 5 km run on foot) is a challenge that is available to all those who like to play sports, and who have a minimum average physical condition (capable of running 20 min, spend 1 hour on bike and swim 500 meters continuously)

You are one of them? Then you are ready to begin your 8 week workouts that will lead you to the glory of being a true finisher.

Triathlon Series, Tristar, SerTri, Garmin Triathlon, Women's Triathlon, etc.

It is at your fingertips! Start your training today and fulfill your dreams

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