Victor del Corral remains "hung" and can not fly to the World Championship of xterra
Our brand new champion, Victor del Corral, had everything ready to fly to Maui and compete in what will be the Xterra World Championship with more top-level triathletes in many years.
Well, due to some problems with Edreams, an agency that for some reason did not buy the tickets from Lufthansa, which was the company with which the trip began, our champion had to stay on the ground, since there were no tickets in his name . After making several claims, he has been unable to do anything and has remained on the ground.
For all this and due to the complexity of the trip, the proximity of the event, and the high cost of a new ticket, it has decided to end the 2011 season.
As we read on his Twitter, Victor comments: "What a sad way to end ... but hey, sometimes things are like that!"