Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Triathlon of Vitoria-Gasteiz opens registrations next Monday 16

As a novelty for the 2014, it will have two distances: Half and Ironman


400 dorsal for the distance HALF and 800 for HOMBRE DE HIERRO are those that will offer TVitoria's riathlon, in a test that will keep as a hallmark the goal in the heart of the city.



"One more year we will maintain the same organizational quality and affection that has always characterized Triathlon Vitoria in the previous editions such as the 2012 World Championship, of Europe 2010, of Spain 2011, Challenge 2013"As his career director Iñigo Blanco points out.


The 13 of Julio 2014 it was the chosen date for the capital of Álava to host for the eighth consecutive year a test of this magnitude that will have an exceptional circuit as well as affordable for anyone who wants to compete in this triathlon, which the organization has made a great bet.


If you accept the challenge of Triathlon Vitoria-Gasteiz Be very attentive! since, the 16 day of September from the 8 in the morning and during the first 24 hours you will have surprises.


3 reasons to come to Vitoria Triathlon: Spectacular landscapes, organizational quality and a city overturned with the triathletes and their companions.


Learn more http://www.triathlonvitoria.com/

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