Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

YOSITRI is born: Popular Triathlon Circuit

The YOSITRI circuit arrives, a project organized by the Spanish Triathlon Federation with the Autonomous Federations and destined to turn sports challenges into a unique experience.



A circuit that combines dreams, integration, enthusiasm and fun and born with the intention of making everyone participate, with competitions that will go from supersprint (300 m of swimming, 10 km of cyclists and 2,5 km of running), paralympic supersprint, relay supersprint composed of three members, going through distance sprint (750-20-5), up to distance Olympic (1,5-40-10) for those more seasoned athletes. At the same time, the Women's Triathlon, a test that will be played over distance supersprint.

The premiere of the circuit will take place on May 9, coinciding with the celebration of the Triathlon European Cup in Madrid. He will then move to Valencia on May 31. The third stop will take place in Pontevedra on July 12, giving way to Ávila on July 26.

Finally and as a culmination to this first edition of YOSITRI, the 13 of September will travel to Cantabrian lands, having Santander as the venue in charge of closing a circuit that promises to be unforgettable


More information: http://yositri.org/ 

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