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Sports nutrition articlesCrown sport nutrition

How much should you eat in the roller sessions?

In this new context, factors that we do not normally attend to must be taken into account.

The sports nutrition experts at Crown Sport Nutrition In collaboration with Aitor Viribay, UCI cyclist nutritionist from glut4science, explain to us how we have to do the energy intake for a roller session.

Roller training differs from what we usually do outside.

At an energetic level, the training on the roller as is logical generates less expense than a normal training abroadIn addition, we must take into account the situation we are in, training at home.

On the one hand, you have to take into account factors such as duration, relative intensity or our immune system, which at this moment has to be our priority.

In the situation, in which we find ourselves in Spain, with the confinement that has not allowed us to train abroad, there are many athletes who have done it several times a day on the roller, so we must adapt this new context to the plan. nutritional in training.

It should be noted that training on the bike Outdoors are still limited and we will have to continue doing indoor sessions on the roller

In another article, Crown Sport Nutrition, he told us , the hydrate properly on the roller, something very important in Indoor training.

And in this article they answer questions like How much should you eat in the roller sessions? ¿Need as much energy as when I hit the road?

But the answers, while they may seem simple, are not.

Most importantly, strengthen the immune system

Right now, where we are all fighting Covid-19, the most important thing is our immune system.

Keep in mind that high intensity exercise, a high load of workouts and poor nutrition, hygiene and rest habits considerably impairs our defenses (4,5)

To stay strong on the immune level what we have to do is ensure proper nutritional habit (5), which will help us stay strong.

Tips to keep the immune system strong

  • Avoid calorie restrictions and maintain an intake according to energy expenditure.
  • Keep a diet rich in micronutrients, fiber and probiotics.
  • Secure a adequate intake of carbohydrates before, during and after of training.
  • Adapt the Hydration guideline to the demands of training.
  • Do not compromise recovery. Make adequate intakes of the required nutrients.
  • Control training load.

In roller training, what strategy do we use?

Roller training can generate more muscle fatigue than when doing it on the road, since the effort to reach the same relative intensity is greater (6).

Furthermore, the pattern change in biomechanics, the conditions of the place where we do the exercise (higher temperature and relative humidity) It has direct implications for glycogen consumption.

Maintain body weight

Another objective that we have to take into account is keep our body weight and for this it is important in addition to control the load of workouts, have an established diet, to avoid anxiety and have to spend all day eating.

Eating during exercise

Keep in mind that eat during exercise, with the metabolic advantages that this entails, Helps improve satiety and weight control throughout the day.

For this reason, if we feed ourselves during the roller session, it will also help us to improve our performance, control weight and our body composition.

Everything will depend on the intensity and duration of the session.

Once the concepts are clear, the amount of energy we need will depend on the intensity and duration of our training sessions.

Tips to keep in mind for the roller session

  • Begin the intense sessions with a adequate amount of glycogen (A previous intake of 1 - 2 g HC / kg of body weight is recommended. Eplo, potato, sweet potato, rice, etc.)
  • It is important to add a minimum dose of 20 - 30 g of protein at every meal.
  • If the session is intense and lasts more than 45´ - 60´, ingest around 60 - 80 g HC / h with a sugar ratio of 2: 1 (glucose: fructose).
  • If the session is less intense, ingest around 40 - 60 g HC / h through more complex foods (ensures satiety and weight control).

Recovery is essential

Recovery after exercise is very important and should always be done. Incorporating it into both Indoor and Outdoor training will help you recover better.

To do this, if the session has been intense, a post-exercise intake with 0,5 - 1 g HC / kg of body weight and an approximate amount of 25 - 30 g of protein.

If these guidelines are followed, the goal of maintaining performance, optimizing adaptations to training, as well as improving recovery and keep the immune system as stable as possible.

Botton line

  • At the energy level, the roller generates less expense than normal road training.
  • However, in this new context, take into account factors that we do not normally attend to.
  • La relative intensity, per unit time, from a session at moderate-high intensity is higher on the roller
  • Energy intake around the roller sessions, although it is less compared to the road sessions, it is just as important in its magnitude.

Recommendation with Crown Sport Nutrition products:

Option 2) 750 - 900 ml / h with 2 sachets / 4 scoops isodrink + 2 pills PRO Salt Caps + 1 Energy Gel.

  • After exercise:
    • Moderate sessions: 1 envelope / 2 scoops isodrinkdissolved in 500 ml of water + 2 - 3 capsules of PRO Salt Caps + 27 g Iso Whey Hydrolized. Add the taking of about 300 ml more of water that we can use to take the salt capsules or we can take them with the intake of the other products.
  • Intensive sessions: 1 envelope / portion of 3: 1 PRO Recovery (start taking it as soon as possible) + 1 envelope / 2 scoops isodrinkdissolved in 500 ml of water + 2 - 3 capsules of PRO Salt Caps  + 27 g Iso Whey Hydrolized. Add the taking of about 300 ml more of water that we can use to take the salt capsules or we can take them with the intake of the other products.


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