Volcano Triathlon
Sports nutrition articles

Magnesium, cramps, contractures and sudden death

If athletes have exhausted magnesium in the body, they have cramps, contractures and in the most severe cases sudden death can occur.



These data are collected thanks to our collaborator AMLSport in the book “Magnesium in sports"Ana Maria Lajusticia, chemistry with a whole life dedicated to identifying the benefit of this mineral in our body.


People who tend to do prolonged physical exercise know that the lack of potassium in the muscle it causes cramps; but almost nobody has explained to them that the lack of magnesium also Why? Because when the muscle contracts, it leaves the same potassium and sodium and calcium enter.


That is, in the contracted muscle, these two cations are lacking and potassium is lacking; Now we know that in order to get the latter and we get the sodium and calcium, intervenes the ATP that is magnesium dependent to be able to act to the point that there are chemicals that write MgAtp.


But magnesium, together with ATP, not only intervenes in the muscles of the locomotor system, but also in those of the arterial walls and in the cardiac muscle, among others. Consequently the Magnesium deficiency not only causes cramps but also a narrowing in the arteries and an arrhythmia in the heart and this is not clearly explained to athletes and athletes.


Who are the athletes who win the competitions in the background? The Ethiopians and Kenya, but among these are specifically those who live in the Rift, an area that is formed by chains of volcanoes and that for centuries vomited ash, rich in magnesium, which makes these soils are very rich in this mineral.


Keep in mind that since childhood these athletes are taking foods very rich in magnesium with which they are forming a reserve capital in it. On the other hand, athletes with fair skin do not have these reserves, if they reach a point where they have almost exhausted the magnesium in the body, they have cramps and contractures and in the most severe cases sudden death can occur, which is usually due to arrhythmias or a cause classified as "unspecified" in people who do not have cardiovascular problems


Information collected from the book: Magnesium in the sport of Ana Maria Justice, editorial Edaf


Ana María Lajusticia Bergasa (Bilbao, 1924) has a degree in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid, and has done studies on agriculture and animal feed, publishing articles on the subject in specialized magazines. It takes more than 40 years devoted to the study of dietetics, based on biochemistry and molecular biology, and has participated in international conferences on these matters, specializing in the problems arising from deficiencies in food.


In all his work he emphasizes a didactic style, rigorous and clear, and is considered a specialist in dietetics and nutrition, disciplines on which he teaches numerous courses and conferences, being often requested by the media to discuss these issues.


More information: http://www.amlsport.com/

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