Recommendations for the nutritional planning of the triathlete

As usual, the team of nutritionists of our collaborator in sport Nutrition Multipower gives us the best advice to be able to face reports of resistance like the triathlon. On this occasion they teach us how to carry out dietary-nutritional planning.
La dietetic-nutritional planning of the triathlete, will be a key factor to face the large volume of work, which is carried out through training and competitions. This will help us better assimilate workouts and loads, which also translates into a most immediate recovery that will allow us little by little, to perform better. For all this, we want to provide you with a series of tips to nourish our body:
To prepare you à Before
- Begin to hydrate: 1 or 2 hours before you should ingest an average of 0,5-1L of water in small drinks. Prior to the effort you can take a few sips of isotonic drink.
To render à During
- En efforts greater than 1 hour duration, you must hydrate yourself with an isotonic drink, such as isotonic drink, which contains 6g of carbohydrates / 100ml (from a mixture of glucose, fructose, maltodextrins, etc.), as well as a quantity of the sodium ion of 500mg / L.
- Pauses each 10-20 minutes during activity to drink a few sips of water of about 100-200ml each time. Take it cool (10 and 15ºC), adding ice cubes so that its temperature stays
- Challenge yourself with food and supplements: try them helps to accustom our body to assimilate and digest them correctly, preventing gastrointestinal problems in competition. Among the supplements to be tested, we highlight: all those included in the Multipower resistance range (
- In efforts of + of 1 hour duration (swimming training, running, strength, etc.) We should eat a minimum of 500ml and 30g of carbohydrates / hour. Getting it through isotonic drink.
- When the duration of the training exceeds the 2-3 hours (for example in bike trips), we should consume more than 60g of carbohydrates / hour and a minimum of 500ml / hour of isotonic drink. We will achieve this by taking one hour: 500ml isotonic drink + multipower gel or jelly, or multicarbo bar.
- Take advantage of the jersey and the bike frame to incorporate multipower gel, jelly, multicarbo bar and isotonic drink, so that you never lack energy in training.
- Carrying water will be useful, to alternate with isotonic drink. Also, whenever we take a gel, it is recommended to take sips of water.
To recover à After
- Retrieve your organism immediately at the end of the activity, it is more receptive to assimilate nutrients and recover better, playing an important role carbohydrates (CH) (muscle glycogen), liquids (replacement of these, lost during activity, trying to take 500ml / h in the following 6h post-effort), proteins and BCAA (protein synthesis and muscle recovery) .ç
- We can resort to supplements such as re-charge drink, multicarbo drink, formula 80, and BCAA+, that facilitate the concentration of nutrients. These can be combined with skimmed milk or fruit juice.
The aim of feeding and supplementation is to prevent problems, provide energy substrates, hydrate and promote rapid recovery of the body, thus improving sports performance.
- Burke LM, Hawley JA, Wong SH, Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrates for training and competition. J Sports Sci. 2011; 29 Suppl 1: S17-27.
- Urdampilleta A and Martínez-Sanz JM. Medical-nutritional risks and dietary planning in mountaineering. Mot. Eur. J. Hum. Mov. 2012; 28: 35-66.
- Peeiffer B, Stellingwerff T, Hodgson AB, Randell R, Pöttgen K, Res P, et al. Nutritional intake and gastrointestinal problems during competitive endurance events. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012; 44: 344-51
- Shirreffs SM, Sawka MN. Fluid and electrolyte needs for training, competition, and recovery. J Sports Sci. 2011; 29 (suppl 1): 39-46.
José Miguel Martínez Sanz y Aritz Urdampilleta Otegui
Scientific-Technical Advice for Sports Planning, NUTRIAKTIVE.