Volcano Triathlon
Sports nutrition articles

Rice cakes recipe for cyclists

The recipe that is very easy to make has these ingredients to make 3-4 bars

Our friends from the cycling channel DRM, they have shared a recipe that many cyclists will surely find very useful to make their own Rice cakes for departures

The recipe that is very easy to make has these ingredients to make 3-4 bars


  • 1 dehydrated apple (or other fruit)
  • Cinnamon
  • 50 gr walnuts
  • 50 gr dates
  • Honey
  • Matcha tea
  • 50 gr dehydrated coconut
  • 100 grams Special rice for risotto
  • 3 water glasses
  • Coconut oil
  • Vanilla extract

How to cook it?

The first thing is to cook the rice, to do this put 1 glass of rice and 3 of water in a saucepan and cook it for about 15 minutes (see manufacturer's instructions)

In this recipe you will make 2 variants of bars, one with apple with cinnamon and another with dates and walnuts.

Cut the apple, dates and walnuts into small pieces

Once the rice for the first recipe is cooked, mix half the rice with the dates, the walnuts and a little honey.

With the rest of the rice, mix it with the apple, a little cinnamon, honey and a few drops of vanilla extract

Then put the mixture in a freezer bag, shape it into bars and put it in the fridge for 24 hours to give it consistency

Another recipe a little more peculiar is to make the bars with Matcha teaTo do this, cook the rice with water, a tablespoon of tea and coconut oil

Once the rice is cooked, add a little cinnamon, a little vanilla and grated coconut and follow the same procedure as the previous ones


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