If you are a follower of Triathlon News, now your stress test will have a discount!
Do it only now for 74 € instead of 92 €
Thanks to a collaboration agreement of Triathlon News with the prestigious clinic Optimal Health & Performance, from today until the next November 30 If you are a TN reader, you can do your stress test. Discount!
Now and until November's 30, if you confirm your appointment saying you're TRIATHLON READER NEWS to carry out your Stress Test with respiratory gas analysis instead of paying the rate price that appears on the web: € 92, you will pay only € 74
Contact us through this form requesting the discount promotional code along with your name and phone number
Te we will send the confirmation code so you can call the clinic and confirm the day and time.
From Triathlon News we are aware of the importance of performing an exercise test at least once a year, whenever an athlete considers doing sports at a certain level and not only to plan training in search of improving performance, but also as a preventive action and control of the health of our body ... Listen to your body, do your stress test and train with your head!