• Volcano Triathlon

Do you practice Triathlon? Do you know what Letibalm can do for you?

CPS: 1181-PS-CM

Letibalm Intranasal Protect It is a gel of high moisturizing power for the care and protection of the nasal mucosa.

Letibalm Intranasal Protect It is safe and effective *. It allows frequent use. It does not contain neither corticoid nor retinol.


  • Nasal dryness of idiopathic origin: adverse weather conditions, air conditioners, heating, ...
  • Coadjuvant in pharmacological treatments that cause dryness in the mucosa: respiratory infections, allergies, acne, ...
  • Dryness associated with certain pathologies: dry rhinitis, perforation and septal deviation, drug or chemical rhinitis.

Nasal route

Presentation: Tube 15 ml - CN. 155233.4

* Hospital of Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Study on efficacy and tolerance. November 2007

Gaiker Technological Park, Zamudio (Vizcaya). study vitro of the moisturizing capacity. September 2006

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