7 tips to train resilience

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option.

Our collaborator Ana Casares tells us in this interesting article what resilience is and how to train it to overcome difficult situations.

It is a phrase that in my opinion defines very well what is the resilience.

Surely you remember some time in your personal or sporting life when you had to rcome to a special force to move forward. A force that you did not know but that you had inside and that was activated to overcome that situation successfully.

Discovering that strength, it generated a new resource in you, anSolution before a hard or very hard moment. And surely and perhaps without realizing it you will use that resource in other hard moments of greater or smaller impact that happen in your life or in your sport.

In a triathlon and in long distance tests, we have insured hard moments, where fatigue, muscular pain, doubts and negative thoughts can take hold of us ... These are moments that test our physical and, above all, mental strength.

These are moments that we can not control, they are inherent in the practice of our sport. However, what yes we can train is our ability to face them in the best possible way and emerge stronger from the situation.

The ability that all people have to overcome difficult moments and also emerge stronger is what we call resilience. And it is not a special feature for a minority nor is it reserved for extraordinary people. All to a greater or lesser degree we have the ability to overcome. It is a natural, normal and frequent response in the human being. It is part of us, part of our essence and our priority objective: survival, survival, to remain who we are.

The force that can arise is proportional to the intensity of the adverse situation. And the greater the force the greater the discovery.

But, why do people respond differently in the face of adversity? All this has to do with our attitudes, beliefs and values ​​that are the fruit, above all, of our experiences.

Here are 7 tips to train your resilience:

1.- Surround yourself with positive habits focused on doing what you like, without forgetting what you bring to others. It's a way of generate self esteem and self confidence. Practice triathlon because you really like it.

2.-Keep a healthy vital balance between your training-nutrition-work-rest.

3.- Grow your flexibility and adaptability in the face of unforeseen situations, unwanted situations. A puncture comes, a bad day training, a dislike with a partner, an unexpected result. What strategy do you adopt in these situations? Focus on them from the opening, the sense of humor, other points of view. Find your resource to be flexible.

4.- Smile as a daily habit; with just a smile gesture, our brain interprets it in a positive way and generates neurotransmitters for well-being, such as endorphins. And from that well-being we generate clarity to think, to focus on the situation and to act. Before a moment of fatigue and mental confusion training or competing, smile.

5.- Check your belief about adversity and your way of facing it.

Some people turn to the I can not before the first symptom of fatigue and abandon, settle, withdraw ...

There are people who are afraid not to perform as others expect, or are afraid of the unknown, what will happen when the wall reaches the 30,35,37 kilometer ...

However, other people see adversity as something stimulating that puts them to the test, and believe that there is always a solution to move forward, that a better time will come.

With what stance do you identify yourself most?

6.- Know your Control locus, this is the place where you locate your thoughts and actions.

What things of your training and your competitions depend on your own actions? And what things that happen to you depend on luck, on others, on destiny, on the decisions of others ...?

Are you one of the people who always blame others, bad luck, time ...?

Or do you have the perception that something you have done for a fact to happen?

If you interpret what is happening as an effect primarily of your own actions, your internal locus of control predominates.

This increases your self confidence and self efficacy and you have the perception that you control your life yourself. You positively value the effort, the ability and personal responsibility.

What role and part of responsibility do you have in what happens in your training and in your competition?

7.-. Share with others your training and competitions with open and flexible attitude. Train your ability to see things from the point of view of the other and to listen to him in a conscious and free of judgment.

Developing resilience leads us to transform reality fully and positively in order to advance. And the best part is that this ability is inside each one of us. I encourage you to explore ...


Ana Casares Polo

Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sports

Degree in Psychology UNED

ICF certified professional coach

Face-to-face sessions, via skipe or phone.

info @ actraining.es 628 438 130



Photo: escueladelavida.com.mx / astreapsicologia.com
