All about muscle cramps

Muscle cramps during exercise is a frequent phenomenon in all sports disciplines, although more frequently in endurance ones.

They are defined as the painful and involuntary contraction of the muscle that can last seconds to minutes. Our partner FisioPinar Clinic tells us in this article its causes and prevention.
Scientifically it has been seen that it can be produced by an explosive hyperactivity of the nerves that innervate the muscles (motor nerves). It is related to a disinhibition and abnormal excitability of motor nerve receptors. (Inhibition of the Golgi tendon organ, excitation of the muscle spindles)

Among the possible causes are:

  • - Dehydration and electrolyte depletion:

The lack of potassium has always been talked about as responsible for cramps, but actually hypocolemia (low levels of potassium in the blood) can cause involuntary contractions but above all it causes muscle weakness and paralysis, so the lack of sodium, calcium or magnesium are considered more responsible for muscle cramps than a lack of potassium.

  • Stress due to extreme environmental conditions.
  • General and muscular fatigue.
  • Lack of elasticity
  • Lack of training.
  • Genetic predisposition. 

Treatment and prevention: 

Mainly you have to hydrate before and during exercise with sports drinks with carbohydrates and mineral salts, you have to use food supplements if we have nutritional deficiencies and accentuate the elasticity training and exercise itself. 
During a muscle cramp, never strain the muscle. We must stop the activity and maintain a stretching position until the muscle contraction subsides and then we can resume the exercise with less intensity and without increasing abruptly. 