Typical injuries of the running race in the Triathlon

The race on foot has associated a series of physical discomforts that it would be convenient to know how to identify to try to prevent them in some way.



Our collaborator FisioPina Clinicr tells us in this article the main injuries suffered by runners.

The problem that arises in the race is the great impact on the organism. All injuries are associated with the impact on the ground, the biomechanics of our body and the technique that each one possesses.

Among the most frequent injuries are:

Plantar fasciitis:

One of the most frequent injuries. Inflammation of the plantar fascia that causes pain in the heel and the sole of the foot that can make it impossible to take the step. Important prevention with adequate cushioning and stretching of the area. In case of injury, see our specialist as soon as possible.

Tibial periostitis:

Pain in anteromedial face of the leg. Pain when starting to run and forwards when warm. When it appears you have to stop the loading activity and check our footprint.

Achilles tendinitis:

Inflammation of the tendon that can lead to degeneration and rupture. Important to go soon to the specialist so that the injury does not advance.

Iliotibial band syndrome:

Pain and inflammation on the external face of the knee caused many times by a bad load, inadequate footwear and even by overtraining.

Ankle sprain :

Tension of the ligaments of the foot due to a twist of the same. It would be convenient to rule out a fracture of the metatarsal 5 ° base and then go to our reference physiotherapist so that it does not become a chronic sprain.

As always we recommend any doubt and if the problem lasts more than a week go to our specialist.

Further information:  http://clinicafisiopinar.com/

Photo: ITU
