Myofascial Trigger Points How do they affect the Triathlete?

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Are you training and suffer pain without knowing where it comes from? Do you present restriction of mobility, including muscle weakness and fatigue despite having adequate training? It could be myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), a set of symptoms and signs caused by Myofascial Trigger Points (PGM).

Our collaborator Healthing, tells us on this occasion that they are the Myofascial Trigger Points and how we can detect them and their treatment.

But What are Myofascial Trigger Points? Myofascial Trigger Points (PGM) or triggers points are hyperirritable nodules that are within a tight band of the muscle and that they can be inactive or they can be triggered by direct trauma, overload, forced positions, muscle fatigue and even stress.

When they are active, in addition to localized pain, they can give Distant symptoms in other muscles and in structures as a region of ear, mouth, eye, cabeza, viscera, Joints, etc. These can only be detected by scanning and palpating the taut bands, so the diagnostic imaging in these cases is not valid.

The clinical features The most relevant trigger points are:

Very localized and painful point to the palpation of the taut band.

  • Referred pain of spontaneous appearance or as a consequence of the pressure on hyperirritable nodules.
  • Answer of local spasm as a result of the palpation of the nodule or as a response to the use of invasive techniques.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • Hypersensitivity area.
  • Weakness or early fatigue and excessive.

The most common trigger points in triathletes are:


Su treatment has to be specific and not be treated as a simple contracture because otherwise the recovery period will lengthen and will affect sports performance one way or another

They respond satisfactorily to treatments using manual therapy techniques and osteopathy, as well as invasive techniques such as dry needling and neuromodulation.

From Healthing we offer a range of techniques and the most advanced technology for the treatment of trigger points, improving the performance and physical activity of the athlete.


More information


Healthing, Calle Serrano, 61. 4th floor - 28006 (Madrid)

Telephone: + 34 91 426 29 24

