Do your hands fall asleep on the bike? Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is due to the pressure exerted on the handlebar that increases when climbing slopes, since we put all the weight of the body on our wrists, or when lowering them, since we squeeze the handlebars with more force.

Our collaborator Clínica FisioPinar tells us on this occasion why this injury appears, its symptoms and its treatment.


On the bike, it is very common for injuries that have to do with upper limb nerve entrapments such as handlebar syndrome, handlebar syndrome that we discussed in a recent article.

Another frequent pathology is the Carpal tunnel syndrome, Due to the pressure exerted on the handlebar, which increases when climbing slopes, since we put all the weight of the body on our wrists, or when lowering them, since we press the handlebar with more force.

This injury consists of entrapment of the median nerve in a complex area of ​​the wrist what we call carpal tunnel, delimited by the carpal bones and the transverse carpal ligament.


The symptoms it causes are pain and paresthesia or numbness of the first three fingers of the hand and in more severe cases muscle weakness. It usually starts with the tingling during sports , then it can be felt at night and as it progresses we can notice it throughout the day.

It is a fairly characteristic syndrome, but to avoid confusion with cervical pathologies, the orthopedic surgeon may recommend that we do an electromyogram to check if there is injury to the nerve and what level of injury.


As a treatment, we will use anti-inflammatory measures to lower inflammation of tendons and soft tissues, such as ice, ultrasound , radiofrequency. We will also use Channel opening techniques manual to try that the nerve has more space and the pain is relieved. Very important is a biomechanical study so that on the bike everything is correct in terms of height, pressure .. And if all this fails, we owe pose surgery to relieve compression  before the nerve has a complex injury.

Contact Clinic Fisiopinar

Street of Caleruega, 18 28033 Madrid


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